Goose house - 光るなら
I've called it a first verse.
I love the song. ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ
We'll come out as a group song later, so please listen to it.
It's a euphemism.
I was bored to sing alone, so I changed my voice and made it look like many people sang it.
Hu Hu Hu Hufu
Below is the lyrics.
雨上がりの虹も 凛と咲いた花も 色づき溢れ出す
Ameagarino Nizimo Lin-to Saita Hanamo Irozuki Ahuredas
The rainbow after the rain, the flowers after the rain, they're all over the water.
茜色の空 仰ぐ君に あの日 恋に落ちた
Akaneiro no Sora Aogu Kimini Ano He Kony Ochita
I fell in love with you that day looking up at the crimson sky.
瞬間のドラマチック フィルムの中の 1コマも
슌-kan-no-Toramachit-ku Firmono Hitokomamo
Every single scene in a dramatic film.
消えないよ 心に刻むから
Kienai. Coconi. Kijamukara.
It won't go away. I'll keep it in my mind.
君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた
Kimidayo Kimminan-Dayo Osiete Kureta
It's you. It's you. I taught you.
暗闇も光るなら 星空になる
Kurayama-Mimo Hikaru Naru
If the darkness shines, it's the stars.
悲しみを笑顔に もう隠さないで
Kanashimio Egioni Mo-Kakusanide
You don't have to hide your sad face anymore.
煌めくどんな星も 君を照らすから
Kirameku Don-I Hoshimo Kimio Terracekara
All the twinkling stars will shine on you.
See Original

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